

What can you do at the Desert Museum?

You can tour with the aid of one of our downloadable 观鸟指南,并增加一个近距离的活体动物节目或黄貂鱼触摸体验. Your students will enjoy real-world discovery of Adaptations, Structure & Function, Ecology, Ecosystems, and 保护 Issues.

Orientation Video

给学生们看这段简短的视频,帮助他们为实地考察做准备, which explains what they will see and learn at the Museum, 博物馆的环境将会是什么样子,以及如何表现才能最大限度地利用他们的参观. Please share this link with your chaperones as well.

Desert Explorers 的ater Program

想为你的学生提供一个更专注、更标准的体验,但时间不够? 的 Desert Explorers 的ater Program is a great choice! 这是一个互动的多媒体节目,让您与2022世界杯下注的动物大使近距离接触! 您的学生将离开剧院,准备好运用他们所有的感官继续探索植物和动物如何在2022世界杯下注的沙漠环境中生存和茁壮成长. 这个项目只需要30分钟就能容纳一大群人, so students will have plenty of time to explore the Museum. 下载 "I Spy Adaptations" Field Guide (和 答案) to use during your educational Museum adventure!

Offered: Tuesday through Friday. 上午11点.m.
Length: 30-40 minutes
Arizona Science Standards: L1 & L2

Stingrays at the Desert Museum!

Stingray Touch Experience

加利福尼亚湾是索诺兰沙漠的重要组成部分. 通过这种迷人的沉浸式体验,发现2022世界杯下注与海洋的联系. After a short introduction, 您的学生将能够体验到观看和被黄貂鱼触摸的快感!

Offered: 7 days a week; any time during exhibit opening 小时.
Length: May be limited during busy seasons; groups may need to wait in line to enter.

学校/青少年的预订仅限于10人或以上的团体,并根据可用性予以批准. 组 must enter 作为一个群体. 辅导员/老师或领队应到售票窗口付款和/或登记整个团体. Latecomers will pay the appropriate 个人 — 不 the discounted 率.
重要的是: 未在最初预订中列出并在实地考察当天到达的额外成人将收取费用 standard Museum admission fee.
的 school/youth group 率 will be honored for reservations submitted less than 15天 in advance of your earliest requested date.

Starting August 1, 2024, prices for visits will change: Students and Chaperones $8pp, 标题1 $4, Additional Adults $10pp. 感谢您的理解,2022世界杯下注正在努力提高2022世界杯下注的服务.

订购单被接受,必须在预订后至少7个工作日内收到,并通过电子邮件发送到 education@theweddingringblog.com. 付款s made by check, 信用卡, 或现金(一次性)将在您到达时在售票窗口领取. 折扣券及访客通行证不能与学校/青少年团体价格合并使用.

零食和午餐只允许在野餐区,食物必须留在车里,直到准备好吃. 在2022世界杯下注的午餐华美达旁边的公共汽车装车区有14个野餐桌. Typically space in the ramada is first-come, first-served. 在繁忙的时候,2022世界杯下注可能有必要安排学校的午餐时间. 预定的午餐时间可能取决于您到达/离开的时间和其他因素. 由于时间紧迫,有教育课程的学校将获得优先权. Small groups may be scheduled to eat together. 在参观期间,博物馆不能存放午餐、背包或任何个人物品. Water bottles are permitted on the grounds.

Picnic Ramada Reservation: Due to its popularity and seating capacity, we can不 guarantee availability, but we will make every effort to accommodate your request. 另外, 预订请求将在您世界杯app软件推荐后7天内收到已批准预订的实地考察提醒.

Dining Options 为小学/青年团体在铁木露台餐厅提供, 联系 Anna Boudoin aboudoin@craftculinary.com.

监督: We require 1 chaperone per 7 students in grades K-12. 任何超过规定比例的成人将被收取额外成人入场费. 重要的 Before you arrive, assign chaperones to their group of students. Once checked in, the groups should be in small groups. 组 should tour the grounds in different 方向. 监护人对学生在小组中的行为负责. Chaperones must stay with their group at all times. 所有的监护人都应该阅读并遵守监护人指南.

View chaperone guidelines here.

All 个人s in the group should have adhesive nametags with their name and name of school or organization.

If a student/youth is lost or injured,与博物馆讲解员或工作人员联系,或到入口处露台售票窗口.

View Map to ASDM and parking (PDF)
View Self-Guided 世界杯app软件推荐 map

您将在提交预订之日起至少7天内收到一封电子邮件确认信. 您的确认函将确认您预订的日期和其他细节.

sepa率 count of adults and students/youths. 每个人都必须作为一个团体参加,以获得学校/青年率. Latecomers pay full amount.



公共汽车使用野餐区附近的公共汽车装车区进行装卸. Buses must park in bus/rv parking area. Bus drivers are admitted free of charge. 记住:如果在野餐区吃东西,请把所有的食物放在巴士上,直到你的午餐时间. 确保所有的陪同人员知道什么时间在您的巴士或野餐华美达在您的世界杯app软件推荐结束.

老师/领队应到售票窗口付款. 为学生和成人监护人提供准确的人数统计. 博物馆的工作人员/志愿者会跟你打招呼,告诉你在哪里卸货,并快速讲解规定和行为要求. If your visit includes a Stingray Touch or 的ater Program, you will be given additional instructions.

2022世界杯下注预计学生人数和成人人数可能会有一些变化. Contact us immediately with updated information. If 取消 is made more than 15天 from scheduled date, a $25 administrative fee will apply. 没有退款 can be made within 15天. 如有取消或更改,请尽快通知2022世界杯下注. Contact us at 520-883-3025 or email: education@theweddingringblog.com.

No shows or 取消s 如果提前不到24小时通知,可能会收取全额费用和/或拒绝以后的预订.

For theater programs: Depending on availability, leader may be given the option of shortening the show, but it can不 be rescheduled. 学校/青少年团体将须缴付已预留的全部活动费用.
没有退款 for missed Stingray Touch.

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支持 Desert Museum Education!

任何数额的捐款都将有助于维持2022世界杯下注的教育工作. Simply select- Education, 保护, Science, 研究 for your designation.